HOLLY COW! I only have 25 more days for this sweet little girl will be here... maybe less is she decides to arrive early!!
Oh how fast the time has gone by these past few months. With all the ups and downs i am so excited and cant hardly wait. I have so many thoughts racing through my head.
Who will she look like, will she be big, small, short, tall? Will she have hair or be bald? What will labor be like, easy, difficult, a piece of cake?!!
Am i ready to be a mother?!?!
All in all I am so happy and excited, I haven't hit the scared or nervous stage yet and maybe i wont. But i know that we are going to be blessed with a beautiful sweet little girl who will bring so much joy to our little family.
1 comment:
Oh stop! You are going to be a GREAT mommy to this little girl. By the way....are girls not the BEST to shop for? So excited for you girly!!!! Do u have a name picked out yet?
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