Monday, June 21, 2010

She is HERE!!!

Well my wish came true. I was able to give Clinton the best Father's day gift EVER!!
Reece Kathryn Kennedy
Born 6-20-2010 @11:01 Am
7lbs 2 oz
19.5 inches
Just a perfect little girl
Mom and baby are recovering well


Cassidy said...

Congratulations!!!!! She is darling.

Heslop Family said...

ERIN!!!!! She is an angel! Congrats!

Scott & Tami said... exciting. She's adorable!!!

Shawn and Nichole said...

What a cute girl! I like her flower headband.

Deedles said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations! What a perfect Father's Day Gift!!!! :)

Samantha said...

Erin! She's adorable. And on Father's day even. How perfect. I can't wait to hear how it all went down! I hope you are getting some sleep and getting to relax a little these first few days with her. I'm SO happy for you!

Leslie Holt said...

Congratulations!!! She is darling! I'm glad to hear you are doing well. I bet you two are the best parents ever!

Anonymous said...

yay she's here!! and what a cutie pie - the ultimate fathers day gift indeed, how will clinton top mothers day next year?!! don don don :)