Friday, February 11, 2011

Guess what??????

We are happy to announce......

we are.........



officially hooked up to the internet at our home !!!

You thought I was going to say something else :)

Time has gone by quickly, and we are enjoying it here in the WET country. It’s beautiful, green, and lots to see. Reece is growing so much and surprises me every day with new tricks she can do. She is an official crawler (no more army crawling) and she got her first tooth just a few days ago. She is such a happy and good little baby, people would always ask me are you ready for another one? I would always say yes b/c she is such a good baby and so happy, she is really easy, I got lucky. I guess I put my foot in my mouth after saying this over and over b/c Reece is going to be a big sister this fall…… ohh if you didn’t quite understand what that means. We are having a BABY; yes baby kennedy #2 will arrive Aug 16, 2011 just 14 months after Reece. Call me crazy but it’s true.

We found out we were pregnant 2 days before Christmas just 7 days before we were leaving for the UK. I was kind of nervous (Clinton was frantic) about moving here with the healthcare system. We talked long and hard about what to do and decided all will be okay and we will leave the rest up the Lord. I had been nursing Reece since November so we had NO idea how far along I was so for the past 13 weeks I have been in the dark. I had my first ultrasound yesterday and all went well. The baby is good and has a strong heart beat, the ultrasound was super fast and basically all they did was measure and take a few pic’s which I paid 2 pounds for, that’s socialism for you! They do things so different here and I actually go to the Hospital for the appointments and will be seeing a midwife not a Dr. I will have another ultrasound at 20weeks and hope to find out the sex. The hospital use to be a bunch of old houses so it’s quite different, not anything you would imagine. Everyone was so nice and super sweet, all the staff, and nurses wore the old school nurse dresses but no hat! I keep my chart with me, it’s a packet that I take home and bring with me to every apt. You don’t see the Dr or midwife as often as we are use to in the states, they are very relaxed in this country, or so I have noticed.

We are really excited and nervous about having a baby so soon but we will be ready. B/c Clinton and I feel more comfortable with our health system I will be coming home in May instead of June. My mom is coming to visit and Reece and I will be going home with her. Clinton will be here another month to work on his research project. We felt with all the problems I had with Reece (kidney stones) I would be better off in the states just in case they come back. So I can now make my official announcement, living out of the country has made it quite easy to keep quiet, b/c I am not so good at that. I have a feeling it’s a boy b/c I was not nearly as sick with this one as I was with Reece and things just feel different. But we will just have to wait another 6 weeks to find out!


Cassidy said...

Wow. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's exciting.

amberbuck said...

Congratulations you two! That is soo exciting and you are past the first trimester so that's good. I hope you have a boy, how fun would that be! I can't wait for you to find out. What a relief for you to be back in the states when you deliver. I'm so happy for you guys. I'm not surprised Reece is crawling, and I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear Royal isn't. He's trying but no luck yet! Can't wait to see more pics.

Lisa said...

ERIN!! You really messed with my head on this post! I asked my self twice... so she is pregnant right?? haa haa I am so very happy for you! This is twice ya know you have been pregnant right in front of my face and I did know!! We need to skype soon! I'll try today!! love you!

Lisa said...

did NOT know that is **correction to above**

Samantha said...

ERIN! That is CRAZY and super exciting. Man you are just on a crazy adventure right now. Good luck with your pregnancy! Can't wait to hear more.

Tami said...

YAY for baby number two! congratulations! Hopefully this pregnancy will be a breeze with no kidney stones!

Deedles said...

Congratulations!!!! So excited for you! Can't wait to hear whether the baby is a boy or girl!

Lea said...

WOW!! Exciting!! Looking forward to seeing you guys!