Thursday, October 7, 2010

On the Roll.....

It's official Reece is one the roll. About a week ago she began rolling over from her tummy to her back and then realized she was tired of lying on her back so she has now mastered rolling from her back to her tummy and she is OBSESSED. This girl is a rolling machine the minute i lie her down she has to roll. I do love her nice system of rolling, she tucks her little legs up nice and tight and goes at it.

disregard my horrible cometary, and sorry about the poor lighting i forgot to turn the light on!!


amberbuck said...

I had to have a little pep talk with Royal lastnight. I told him "okay buddy your cousin Reece who is a month younger than you is already rolling over so you better get to it!" This morning we practiced and he rolled from front to back a few times...few. My kids are always a little slow, I can only blame it on their largness. Reece is so cute and I can't wait to snuggle her at Christmas!

Lisa said...

she is so sweet!