It was my 10 year HS reunion and i got to see some of my great friends from HS, some of us keep in touch through blogging but it has been almost 10 years since i had seen many of them and it was great to catch up. We had some really great festivities planned for the weekend.
I had planned to fly up to WA and the day before i was to leave i felt bad for leaving Clinton home all alone so @ 1:30pm on Aug. 17th we packed up the car and headed to Moses Lake. It was a spur of the moment trip (which Clinton loves doing). We had a great drive and got to my parents house at 12:30 am. Reece was a super traveler yet again. Then on Thursday the festivities began..... 
Clinton was eating grapes.... or trying to see how many he could put in his mouth (about 13)
This is my friend Ashley and I @ 34 weeks and 31 weeks prego

And this is our babies now!! It was so great to see her and baby Casten. Maybe they will meet again some day.
Cousins, Auri, Emry and Ashlyn just adoring Reece. It was so much fun they each took turns dressing her every day, and she was held NON stop by these girls.
I couldn't miss out on the Siphon tube setting contest. As a kid/young teen i competed in this every year at the fair. Being a farm girl i changed many siphon tubes throughout my life. Clinton had a go at it but didn't want to compete. I got 3rd place this year and it just might be my last year doing this, really sad to think.
I had to take a stole down to the Pig barn where i spent 15 years with my family showing pigs. This brought back so many memories.... barn duty, washing the pigs, clipping there tails and ears, fit and show, playing hog hockey (we would go into the arena and play hockey with our pig canes) jumping in the sawdust piles.
And this is our babies now!! It was so great to see her and baby Casten. Maybe they will meet again some day.
Cousins, Auri, Emry and Ashlyn just adoring Reece. It was so much fun they each took turns dressing her every day, and she was held NON stop by these girls.
Blake told Uncle Clinton that he would only hold his feet up for 1 hour and he would do it for $1 .... this kid is super great! 
When i was trying to this picture her eyes were closed!
Clinton was super excited about getting into the pin with a pig and he did
Britney's little girl Islyn (she was a doll)
Melissa, me, Emily, Cherie, Sam, Britney
Wow that looks like fun!! Love allt he pictures
Man!! I so wish I had been there. Probably a good thing I wasn't, what with all those babies. I was SO SICK. We'll just have to plan another get together.
Your little Miss is getting so big!!! How fun! We are loving time you are here...we HAVE to meet up!
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